3 Reasons why online Work from home Jobs gaining popularity!, part time jobs from home

reasons why work from home jobs for women is good

Work from home jobs opportunity || Part time jobs from home

Online Work from home jobs or Remote jobs or Virtual jobs is the future of the world as they have helped many survive a decent lifestyle without mobilizing. Despite several challenges, companies are creating virtual infrastructures to bring their working online so as to connect people or colleagues from different backgrounds and regions.

Work from home jobs has provided many homemaker women and teenagers chances to earn money for themselves and not be fully dependent on others. Work from home has actually brought a huge change in the lives of women.

Women who are financially dependent on their husband, brother or father’s income, women who are pregnant, women who are not allowed to go out for work purposes and women who live in another city than the city where the office of the company is located due to their spouse’s jobs have benefited a lot from the rise in availability of work from home jobs.


The reason why work from home is becoming a trend between several companies whether MNCs or Startups and why it is a good option for women:

1. Time-Saving:

reasons why work from home jobs for women is easy

When you have to go to the office for work, a minimum of 20-30% of your time gets consumed in travelling and a lot of your energy gets drained in that only.  With work from home jobs, you don’t have to struggle with traffic junctions or catching early morning metros.

Not just a wastage of time, but long commutes also cause people a lot of stress and anxiety. If you have done some work from home jobs earlier like an internship, then you must be knowing the ease of it and how much time it gives you to complete other important tasks.

In India, women of the families are usually expected to be homemakers. For a conventional family, work from home jobs aids the woman by not traveling and save time to attend to her family.

We should all remember that with a cool mind and positive energy comes the greatest ideas of change-makers.

2.  Reduces hiring costs

This reason is mostly beneficial for companies as every HR advisor or manager knows the fees of finding candidates and then selecting the one, followed by his/her on the job training. Work from home jobs save a lot of money in terms of hiring.

Along with reducing the expenditure usually spent on hiring a new employee, Work from home jobs also find talented candidates who find it difficult to commute but are very much suitable for the job.

For example, for a single mother of an infant, work from home jobs can sound perfect to have a work-life while managing her personal life without much inconvenience.

3. Freelancing

If not proper full-time jobs, people can always fo for freelancing or for working under a particular project. In this way, you are not a permanent employee but can gain knowledge in several different fields. According to a study conducted in 180 countries, freelancer’s earnings were calculated to be more than office-goers.

For women, freelancing is a very good option as they would gain enough earnings, knowledge, and skill and would be able to work on particular projects that a last a temporary time period.


now hiring work from home jobs for women

If you are looking for work from home jobs or part time jobs from home, then after COVID-19, almost all business created their own new online workspace and have published fresh new jobs. Here is the list of sites for Online jobs in India, which can help you find work from home jobs and internships for gaining some experience and even some pocket money:

Online Jobs in India portals
  1. Naukri.com
  2. Monster India
  3. Angellist
  4. Internshala
  5. LinkedIn

Update: Tech Mahindra is hiring candidates, apply before it is too late.

For  more Online jobs in India- click here

Good luck!




Tags: work from home, work from home jobs, online work from home jobs, work from home jobs for women, part time jobs from home, online jobs in India, home online indore, Angellist, monster India, virtual jobs, remote work, home maker women

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